
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Pink & Lime Dress - AF

Hi guys! It's a new week and we started updating with a pretty dress for you, hope you like it! See you soon!

Pink & Lime - AF: Full Outfit

Friday, August 29, 2014

Queen - AF

Hi! Update blog with another AF separate clothes, hope you enjoy, xoxo!

Queen - AF: 1 Crop Top + 1 Leather Shorts

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Summet Lovin

Hey! What up? Today we update with more AF separate clothes, hope you like! See you soon! ;)

Summer Lovin AF: 1 Top + 1 Shorts

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Hi again! Another update... For girls, hope you like! Bye and take care!

MTV - AF: 1 Top + 1 Jeans shorts

Monday, August 18, 2014

Pineapple - AM

Hello! More updates! Do you like pineapple? We enjoyed it and think this beautiful pattern. This time for the boys. Hope you enjoy!

Pineapple - AM: 1 Sweater + 1 Jeans 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Wonderful - AF

Hi people! Starting the week with an update! Hope you enjoy and have a nice week! ;)

Wonderful - AF separate: 1 Top + 1 Shorts

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Fifth and last birthday gift!

 Last curiosity: most of the clothes we make are inspired by brands like Forever 21, Topshop, H&M, Vans, Zara... Always researched the best sets on Polyvore to create.

 Well, we want to once again thank all of you who enjoy our blog! We would like to be able to hug each one, then feel embraced! We hope you enjoyed the gifts was the best we could do. Were made with great affection. We love you!

Team Always Sims
5th birthday gift!

4th birthday gift!

Curiosity: We played The Sims 2 for over four years, but only last year we started to learn how to do cc for the game
And now more gifts? Yeees

 4th birthday gift

Third birthday gift!

More a little gift, but before more of a curiosity about us. The name of our blog was chosen because of the Harry Potter saga. We're much fans and "Always" is the answer that snape gives the question Dumbledore did (those who read the book or watched the movies know): "After all this time? Always."  

And we will always love The Sims 2!

Third Gift 


Second Birthday Gift

Massive gifts for you! Before a curiosity about us ... Our team consists of three people and we're from Brazil. At the beginning we were going to write in Portuguese (BR) here on the blog, but realize that most visitors speak English, so to facilitate communication write posts in English. :)
Now, gifts! (Yay!)

Second Gift

Happy Birthday To Us!

Today our blog completes one year! Wow! Went too fast! I still remember our first post ... We want to thank all who visit us and enjoy our cc, you are very important to us! Without you we would not be! here! We hope that The Sims 2 still has many players so we can share cc with you! During this day we will give many gifts and tell some facts about us, so stay tuned!

First Gift 

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

San Antonio - AM

Hey again! More updates! This week we want to post enough, it's the week of the anniversary of our blog! We are very happy and we want to give many gifts to you who enjoy our blog! Here goes another one:

San Antonio - AM: 1 Tank Top + 1 Shorts

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Lovely - AF

Hey! What's up! We will start the week of our first anniversary with AF separate clothes. Hope you like it, see you soon! XOXO

Lovely - AF: 1 Top + 1 Jeans shorts


Thursday, August 7, 2014

East - AM

Today I got a little break ... then another update. AM separate clothes. Hope you enjoy! Xoxo

East - AM: 1 T-Shirt + 1 Joggers jeans

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Vanilla - AF

Hello! Another update, AF separate clothes, hope you enjoy! 7 days left for the birthday of the blog... we're rushing to finish the gifts and share them with you!

Vanilla AF: 1 Top + 1 Jeans


Monday, August 4, 2014

Gods - AM

Hi guys!!!! Long time no post huh? It is that we currently have many activities in our real life. But this week we'll post more, ok? We miss you. Today we share separate AM clothes, hope you enjoy! See you!

Gods - AM separate: 1 T-Shirt + 1 Light Jeans