
Sunday, August 23, 2015

Cactus and Unicorn Swimsuits - AF

The summer is almost over to some and we find two nice sets on Polyvore and decide to do some swimsuits, there's still time alright? We hope you enjoy! Have a nice week, xoxo.


Saturday, August 22, 2015

Rising - AM

Hey! Clothes for the guys, hope you enjoy! Have a nice weekend and see you soon! ♡


Friday, August 14, 2015

Happy B-day Always Sims!!!

Today our blog complete two years! Thanks to everyone for the affection and support, the reviews, the views that are always many even when not post anything... You are wonderful! The bests! We love you very much!❤ I do not know how long we will still play (real life a bit difficult), I do not know how long will the interest of you for The Sims 2, but one thing is certain, we will always remember it all here with a lot of affection and love. So we did some goodies and hope you enjoy though not anything special but it was made with love!

*Happy Simming!*