
Saturday, April 30, 2016

007 - AM and Hiatus

We will make a stop. We'll see you soon, for now that's all. We know you have many comments that we still do not respond, but we will respond slowly. We have many occupations but will reply to all, we only ask a little patience. Any problem with the meshes just talk. Recalling also that if your video card is not very strong and does not support well The Sims 3 will probably not work they are converted meshes this game and have high polycount. Hugs and see you soon ! ;)

007 - AF

Now the last update for women.

006 - AM

More separate clothes for males

006 - AF

Now one dress for AF. Hope you like!

005 - AM

Another post... separate clothes for AM, hope you enjoy!

Reading Glasses

Hey guys! Starting now a sequence of posts of cc that have not been shared, hope you like!

Friday, April 22, 2016

005 - AF

Hi again! One more conversion 3t2... Semller & Hiemal Part 4 for females. I think you have realized that we love Adidas, right? Haha, see you soon!

MK Selma Bag - Acc

Hello people! Another bag made by Julies converted for sims 2. For females only.  Hope you enjoy!

Monday, April 4, 2016

Bucket Bag - Acc

Hey again! We love this bag from the first time we saw. Hope you like also! It's not perfect but you can use if you have goodwill ;)

Sunday, April 3, 2016

004 - AM

Hi! How are you? This is the first post of April, it's not perfect. but we hope you like and see you soon! Hugs